Make use of this simple function to display time ago format details of the time in your comment system. Facebook style time ago display script in simple php.
function timeAgo($date){
$time = strtotime($date);
$now = time();
$ago = $now - $time;
if($ago<60) {
$timeago = round($ago);
$s = ($timeago == 1)?"second":"seconds";
return "$timeago $s ago";
} elseif($ago<3600) {
$timeago = round($ago / 60);
$m = ($timeago == 1)?"minute":"minutes";
return "$timeago $m ago";
} elseif($ago>=3600 && $ago<86400) {
$timeago = round($ago / 60 / 60);
$h = ($timeago == 1)?"hour":"hours";
return "$timeago $h ago";
} elseif($ago>=86400 && $ago<2629743.83) {
$timeago = round($ago / 60 / 60 / 24);
$d = ($timeago == 1)?"day":"days";
return "$timeago $d ago";
} elseif($ago>=2629743.83 && $ago<31556926) {
$timeago = round($ago / 60 / 60 / 24 / 30.4375);
$m = ($timeago == 1)?"month":"months";
return "$timeago $m ago";
} else {
$timeago = round($ago / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365);
$y = ($timeago == 1)?"year":"years";
return "$timeago $y ago";
function timeAgo($date){
$time = strtotime($date);
$now = time();
$ago = $now - $time;
if($ago<60) {
$timeago = round($ago);
$s = ($timeago == 1)?"second":"seconds";
return "$timeago $s ago";
} elseif($ago<3600) {
$timeago = round($ago / 60);
$m = ($timeago == 1)?"minute":"minutes";
return "$timeago $m ago";
} elseif($ago>=3600 && $ago<86400) {
$timeago = round($ago / 60 / 60);
$h = ($timeago == 1)?"hour":"hours";
return "$timeago $h ago";
} elseif($ago>=86400 && $ago<2629743.83) {
$timeago = round($ago / 60 / 60 / 24);
$d = ($timeago == 1)?"day":"days";
return "$timeago $d ago";
} elseif($ago>=2629743.83 && $ago<31556926) {
$timeago = round($ago / 60 / 60 / 24 / 30.4375);
$m = ($timeago == 1)?"month":"months";
return "$timeago $m ago";
} else {
$timeago = round($ago / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365);
$y = ($timeago == 1)?"year":"years";
return "$timeago $y ago";
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